If you decide to start using a monthly budget, please reserve enough time for the process of changing the budget type. Send invitations to the beneficiaries well in ahead so that they have enough time to start using the new budget type before the first monthly instalment is paid out.
If you choose to issue an amount to your employees once a month, you need to also choose whether the amount is issued to your employees
1) on the first day of the month
2) on the last day of the month.
The selection you make applies to all beneficiaries who are provided with HSL Commuter Benefit in the form of the mobility budget.
Example: If you choose the first day of the month as the payment date as of 1 February, you can issue the monthly budget already from 2 January. When sending invitations to the beneficiaries, set the benefit to be valid immediately and choose the desired monthly amount. Request the employees to activate the benefit immediately upon receiving the invitation to ensure that they have the benefit ready in the HSL app on the first payment date, that is, on 1 February.