One card for all journeys

You can use the card to pay for all your public transport journeys in the HSL area. You can top up your card with a season ticket, day ticket or value, i.e. money, to pay for individual journeys. The card costs 5 euros.

You can also purchase day tickets online on your HSL card for journeys in Tallinn or Tartu.

Choose the card that best suits your needs

Personal card

A personal HSL card can only be used by the owner. The prices of season and value tickets depend on your customer group (adult, child, discount groups) and your home municipality.

You can buy a personal card from a service point or from the HSL card service.

Multi-user card

A multi-user HSL card is well-suited for joint use for companies and families as well as for out-of-towners. The card can be used by anyone holding the card who belongs to the same customer group (adult or child).

Sale of multi-user HSL cards will end on 31 December 2023, but the cards can be topped up and used as usual.

Manage your card online

Top up your card with a season ticket, day ticket or value online. Check the balance on your HSL card.

Sales points and ticket machines

Check the balance on your HSL card or top up your card with tickets or value at sales points and ticket machines.

Instructions for using the card

What should I do if I lose my card?

If you have lost your HSL card, contact HSL Customer Service or a service point after 4pm on the working day following the day you lost your card. You can also report your card lost in the HSL card service.