Cookies in the HSL app

Updated 28 June 2024

We use cookies on our app to ensure that our services function as they should and that we can provide you with useful content. By accepting all cookies, you ensure getting the best possible experience using HSL app. You can change your cookie settings whenever you like.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your app. They can be used, for instance, to enable users to save their favorite routes and see personified information. Cookies improve and help us develop the user experience. Cookies do not cause any damage to your device, nor can they spread viruses or malware.

In addition to cookies, we may also use some other similar technologies. Such technologies include, for instance, files that are saved in the user's device and that can be used only when the app is active. Hereinafter, such technologies will be referred collectively to as “cookies”.

Cookie settings and cookie management

According to the legislation governing the use of cookies, we need your consent for the use of cookies that enable the functionality of services other than the ones you have requested, or for the use of cookies that are essential for the app to function. You can change your cookie settings in the app by choosing More > Settings > Privacy settings > Cookies.

How does HSL use cookies and other similar technologies?

We use cookies and other similar technologies in our online services. Cookies help us to collect information on your activity in our services and on the properties of user device terminals. The purpose of using cookies is to provide a better user experience and to develop our services to better serve our users. In addition, we use cookies to improve the manner in which we send targeted messages to our customers.

HSL cannot identify you based solely on your cookie or device settings. If you have logged in to our services with your HSL account and given us your consent to the use of cookies, we can connect cookie information collected from the use of our digital services to the customer data we have on you, such as information on your previous purchases.

The cookies used by HSL are divided into four categories: strictly necessary cookies, functional cookies, statistic cookies and marketing cookies. By accepting all cookies, you can ensure that you have the best possible user experience.

How can you manage cookies?

You can change your cookie settings at any time in the app.

Strictly necessary cookies

Cookies that are strictly necessary allow the app to perform its basic functions. They cannot be switched off to ensure that our services function correctly.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies add to and improve the functionality of our app. However, unlike strictly necessary cookies, functional cookies are not absolutely necessary in ensuring that the app can be used. We use these cookies to save Journey planner search history and help you make ticket selections, for example.

Statistics cookies

We use statistics cookies to measure how the contents of our services are used and how they function. The data we gather by means of statistics cookies help us to develop our services so that they better serve the needs of users.

Marketing cookies

Marketing cookies help us to provide you with content that interests you in our own services. In addition, they help us to evaluate the effectiveness of advertisement and communication. We may collect device specific data on visits and activity solely for the purpose of targeting our own advertising to customers and assessing its effectiveness. This data will not be passed to cooperation partners or any other third parties, and the data is not linked with Third-Party Data for targeted advertising or advertising measurement purposes. Data is also not shared or disclosed to a data broker. 


If you have logged in to our app or provided your contact details for the app, by filling out a form or by taking a survey, we can combine browsing data collected by means of marketing cookies with other customer information. We do not hand over this data to our cooperation partners, data brokers, or any other third parties, but only combine it with data we have collected.

List of cookies