Edit the amount of mobility budget

To change the amount of mobility budget of one or more beneficiaries, go to the “Beneficiaries” tab or to the information of an individual beneficiary. You can edit the mobility budget in two ways.

The image shows the “Set a new amount of granted mobility budget” selection as active

Set a new amount of mobility budget granted

  1. Select this to edit the amount of mobility budget granted for the whole year. In other words, the new amount will replace the benefit granted earlier. The new amount can be either higher or lower than the amount previously granted. Please note that the amount cannot be lower than the amount of budget the beneficiary has already used during the current year. 

The image shows the “Add more mobility budget” selection as active.

Add more mobility budget

Select this to add the amount entered on top of the current mobility budget.

Check the amount of mobility budget

When you edit one or more beneficiaries, you can see how much mobility budget has been granted to each beneficiary as well as the remaining amount of budget.

In addition, you can always see the remaining mobility budget for each beneficiary in the Beneficiaries view.

If you want to review an individual beneficiary’s mobility budget information in detail, you can go the beneficiary’s information by clicking on the beneficiary’s name in the Beneficiaries view. In the view displaying the individual beneficiary’s information (see image) you can see the amount of mobility budget granted, how much of it has been used and how much remains unused.