Ticket validity and interchanging

All tickets allow you to transfer between modes of transport within their validity. You can board a vehicle and complete your journey even if the ticket expires during the journey.

When boarding a bus, show your ticket to the bus driver or your debit/credit card or HSL card to a card reader. On commuter trains, the metro, trams, the orange trunk route buses and on the Suomenlinna ferry, you only need to show your ticket if a ticket inspector or conductor asks you to to do so.

Single tickets

AB, BC and D tickets are valid for 80 minutes, ABC and CD tickets for 90 minutes, BCD tickets for 100 minutes and ABCD tickets for 110 minutes.

Single ticket prices

Day tickets

You can buy day tickets for 1 to 13 days on the HSL card and the HSL app. Sales points sell tickets loaded on single charge cards for 1 to 7 days and HSL single ticket machines sell one-day tickets. 

Day ticket prices

Season tickets

A season ticket allows you unlimited travel within is validity. You can buy a season ticket using the HSL app or your HSL card.

Sales and service points

Use the sales points search to easily find the closest ticket machine or sales point.