
Public transport is for everyone. The threshold for using public transport must be as low as possible and that's why accessibility is important. All vehicles used on HSL's transport services are accessible. Journey planning and passenger information are accessible. 

Companion Pass

If you are unable to travel alone on public transport due to a chronic disease or disability, you may be entitled to a companion.

Free HSL card

Blind people and veterans of Finnish wars who live permanently in the HSL area are entitled to a free HSL card.

Low floors make travel easier

To make travel easier for everyone, most public transport vehicles in the Helsinki region are low-floor.

On all modes of transport, there are seats reserved primarily for people with reduced mobility. On buses and trams, the best places are in the middle.

If you cannot move fast, you can get off at the front. On buses and trams, the doors close automatically. When you use the pram button, the doors will stay open longer.

Commuter trains have doors that are marked with a wheelchair symbol. When you press the button marked with a wheelchair logo by these doors, a step will slide out and bridge the gap between the train and the platform.


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