Blog 9: Draft A to be implemented
The process of reviewing Ring I bus routes has progressed to the stage that we have decided to implement the bus route network that is in accordance with draft A on the basis of travel and bus route surveys and other baseline data.
Compared to the current situation, the changes proposed in draft A are of a smaller magnitude compared to draft plan B. In draft A, bus route 54 will start providing weekend services and its operating hours on weekday evenings will be extended.
The changes to the bus routes will be implemented when the contract on the new routes takes effect, no earlier than in August 2025.

Why was draft plan A chosen?
In March, we gathered residents’ views and opinions on the different bus route network options by means of a separate survey.
You can find the results of the survey in the previous blog post on the review of the draft bus route plans for Ring I here.
In addition to the above-mentioned survey, feedback on the previous draft plans and a travel survey, resident workshops, a travel diary survey, other participation work and a traffic model analysis carried out in connection with this review had an impact on the draft plan that will be implemented.
Below you can read about the justification for selecting the bus route network that will be implemented.
Draft A was given a slightly higher grade than draft B (3.06 vs. 2.85).
Those currently using public transport on Ring I were in favor of draft A. In draft A, there would be no change in the service level of public transport on weekdays and the weekend service of route 54 would improve public transport services in the service area of the route.
Based on the survey, draft B would decrease the use of public transport more than draft A.
It was not yet possible to verify the potential that draft B has in increasing the use of public transport and ticket revenue on a sufficient level.
In terms of the impact that would reduce the public transport service level, draft plan B would primarily affect those who currently use public transport on Ring I.
Draft plan B would reduce the public transport service level especially in Pitäjänmäki, Valimo and Lassila as well as on journeys made between the above-mentioned areas and the eastern end of Ring I.
Based on the traffic model analysis, draft plan B would increase the use of public transport slightly more than draft plan A.
However, the traffic model does not take into account the special characteristics regarding the traffic environment around Ring I that were highlighted by customers. Such characteristics include, for instance, road traffic noise, the perception of bus stop environments as being unpleasant and the quality of pedestrian routes.
As a result, the traffic model was deemed to overestimate the increase in passenger numbers in relation to the changes to the bus route network planned in draft plan B.
The annual operating costs in draft A are slightly lower than in draft B.
Bus routes 54 and 553 that currently serve Ring I are popular and among the best in the area in terms of their cost-effectiveness.
Based on the information gathered from residents, it would also be important to develop the traffic environment in a more comprehensive manner in addition to merely developing the routes, timetables and operating hours of the buses.
The above-mentioned bus stop environments, the safety and attractiveness of bus stops, pedestrian routes and the accessability of the stops are connected with this development.
Draft plan A will provide route 54 with long-awaited weekend services
o Many customers hoped for a public transport link serving Ring I from one end to the other. However, implementing draft A will not enable such a link.
A public transport link of this kind would have resulted in a decrease in the level of service for the users of public transport in comparison with the current situation. This detrimental effect was considered to be more likely than the benefits that such a link could deliver.
However, there is a clear need for a direct route serving the entire Ring I and its potential has been identified, meaning that the matter could be looked into in the future.
What will change?
We have compiled all the changes per route below. More detailed operating hours and headways will be determined during the tendering process for the routes and once the final timetable planning is complete.
We are not proposing any changes in this plan to bus route 523 that will begin operating between Westendinasema and Leppävaara in August 2023.
Thank you to everyone who took part in the planning!
Do you have any questions? You can post questions in the comment section below this blog post. Since August 2022, this blog has functioned as the primary communications channel for us to provide our customers with information on how the review of Ring I bus routes is progressing and how our customers have been able to take part in the planning.
In the next blog post, we will publish a report on resident participation during autumn 2022. We will also discuss how the residents have been to impact the planning.
In addition, we will also create a survey between late spring and early summer with the purpose of mapping out the residents’ experiences on taking part in the project.
Finally, we will publish a final report on the review of Ring I bus routes during the summer.
We would like to thank all the thousands of participants!It’s great that you have discovered our blog on the review of Ring I bus routes! This blog is updated by the public transport planners at HSL and functions as an official channel for interacting with our customers.
The blog gives you an opportunity to have a discussion with us. Participate in the planning and voice your opinion!
The planning will be carried out from autumn 2022 to spring 2023. According to estimate, the possible changes to the Ring I bus routes will be implemented in 2025. You can find more information on the review of Ring I bus routes here.