Responsible mobility together

We are building a future where we can all travel more sustainably. 

Our responsibility work focuses on the development of safe and sustainable public transport services, sustainable mobility solutions and carbon-neutral public transport.

This means, among other things, more accessible public transport services, reducing carbon and local emissions towards zero and new solutions to build a more sustainable future. Everything is based on a sustainable economy and people. 

People make the change – you, I, we – so hop on!

Image shows the three priority areas for HSL's responsibility work together with the text "Visio 2030: Leader, facilitator and partner in sustainable mobility"
Our Responsibility Program comprises three priority areas: Public transport is for all, Solutions for sustainable mobility and Towards carbon neutral public transport.
Kuvituskuvassa kolme junamatkustaa, joista yksi on pyörätuolin käyttäjä.

Public transport is for all

All our customers have the opportunity to travel safely and sustainably.

We will develop our services to make them equal and inclusive as well as both physically and digitally accessible.

We will further improve the safety of travel and the safety of work environment for staff.


Kuvituskuvassa henkilö katsoo puhelintaan. Taustalla raitiovaunu, Kruunusiltojen silta sekä HSL:n sovelluksen näkymiä.

Solutions for sustainable mobility

We will promote safe and sustainable mobility together with our partners.

We work together across sectors.

We will increase our handprint.

We will promote responsible partnerships and procurement.


Kuvituskuvassa kaksi henkilöä pyöräilee kaupunkipyörällä. Taustalla sähköbussi ja tuulivoimaloita.

Towards carbon neutral public transport

We will provide zero emission public transport services by 2035.

We will build carbon neutral future.

We will promote healthy and comfortable urban environment.

HSL’s Responsibility Program

Our Responsibility Program guides our responsibility work. It sets out the priority areas that we particularly promote through our responsibility work.


As the largest public transport operator in Finland, we have a special responsibility to do our best for sustainable mobility and for a sustainable future.


The Responsibility Program is based on our strategy: our vision is to be a leader, facilitator and partner in sustainable mobility.


Our responsibility work is related to several UN Sustainable Development Goals and sub-goals.

Our responsibility work is based on people as changemakers and sustainable economy.

People as changemakers

Our responsibility work is based on people as changemakers. Our employees, partners and customer together contribute to a sustainable society.

We want to be a responsible employer and we will invest in our employees’ wellbeing.

We will strengthen equality, inclusion and diversity in our work community.


Sustainable economy

Our responsibility work is based on sustainable economy.

We are responsible both to our customers and to our member municipalities for that the money spent on public transport is spent as effectively as possible for the benefit of the region and its residents.

Investing in responsibility can also provide economic benefits.

We will strengthen our personnel’s skills in sustainable financial management.