Bus routes in areas around Leppävaara

On this page, we present proposed new bus routes for areas around Leppävaara. The map shows the bus routes serving the area. Read more about the proposed routes by area and by route below. You can view all routes in a separate map service (external link to outside hsl.fi).

We are collecting comments on the proposed routes via a survey. Please complete the survey at the bottom of this page by 24 October 2021. You can also give your feedback via our feedback system and customer service (by phone or at our service point).

Map showing bus routes in areas around Leppävaara. The routes are presented in text format on this page.

Pohjois-Leppävaara, Lintuvaara and Uusmäki

According to the draft route network plan, Pohjois-Leppävaara, Lintuvaara and Uusmäki would be served by four bus routes: 202, 203, 520 and 522.


In Mäkkylä area, trains and trunk route bus 200 running along Turuntie will be the most important public transport links also in the future. Trunk bus route 520 will run to the north of Mäkkylä and the closest stops will be near the junction of Lintulaaksontie and Kutsuntatie. Buses 201 and 201B would continue to serve the area around Mäkkylä puistotie as currently. Once completed, light rail line 550 will run to the south of the railway line.


Perkkaa would be served by bus routes 203 and 502 as well as by light rail line 550. Bus route 203 would provide transport links from Vermonniitty and Perkkaa to, e.g. the Monikko school center and Leppävaara Sports Park. The route would link with the light rail at Säteri, Vermo and Leppävaara station stops.

Bus 113 would no longer run via Perkkaa. Instead, it would run from Laajalahti via Retail Park Bredis and Friisinmäki to Leppävaara. New route 523 would provide fast transport links from Leppävaara to Tapiola via Ring Road I.

This plan does not propose changes to bus route 502.

Etelä-Leppävaara and Säteri

Etelä-Leppävaara and Säteri would be served by light rail line 550 as well as by bus routes 113 and 206.

Bus route 113 would provide faster links from Friisinmäki and Etelä-Leppävaara to Leppävaara station as well as provide direct links to Retail Park Bredis and to Tapiola.

Bus route 206 would provide transport links between Leppävaara and Kera. Bus route 206K, which would run school times, would provide transport links from Kilo to Karamalmens skola. The route would replace the current school journey route 225K.

What do you think about the proposed routes?

Complete a short survey by 24 October.