No Metro services to Vuosaari or Rastila from 5 May – we will increase bus services in the area

The renovation of the Vuosaari Metro bridge over Vartiokylänlahti will begin on Monday, 5 May. Due to the renovation, there will be no Metro services to Vuosaari and Rastila Metro Stations starting 5 May. Trains that usually terminate at Vuosaari will terminate at Puotila from that date. Metro services to Vuosaari and Rastila will resume on Monday, 29 September. We will increase bus services in these areas.

We will increase bus services between Vuosaari, Rastila and Itäkeskus

Bus 99V, Itäkeskus – Rastila – Vuosaari

Metro replacement bus 99V will run between Vuosaari, Rastila and Itäkeskus starting 5 May. The bus will run from Itäkeskus (M) via Meripellontie and Rastila (M) to Vuosaari (M). The bus will run at the same times as the Metro usually does. It will run every 2.5 minutes at peak times. 

If you don’t travel directly between Vuosaari and Helsinki city center or Itäkeskus, other buses may be a more suitable option for you than the replacement bus 99V. 

Vuosaari station

Bus 99V will depart from bay 16 at the Aurinkolahti end of the bus terminal. The stop is on the Columbus side of the terminal.

Rastila station

In the direction of Itäkeskus, the bus will use the stop next to the Metro station between the filling station and the Metro station (bay 2). Bus 98 to Itäkeskus and night buses 90A and 90N to the city center also serve the same stop.

In the direction of Vuosaari, bus 99V will stop at the other side of the filling station on the Vuotie ramp (bay 4). Night buses 90A and 90N to Vuosaari also serve the same stop.

Meripellontie (Puotila)

The bus will also serve the stops for night buses 90A, 90N and 96N on Meripellontie between the Kunnallisneuvoksentie and Rusthollarintie junctions.

In the direction of Vuosaari, bus 99V will serve the "Rusthollarintie" stop (H4501), and in the direction of Itäkeskus, the "Meripellontie" stop (H4502).

NB! Bus 99V will not run via Puotila Metro Station, Rusthollarintie and Vanhanlinnantie. You can travel between Puotila and Vuosaari either by walking to the stops served by bus 99V on Meripellontie or taking the Metro or bus from Puotila to Itäkeskus. From there, you can continue by bus 99V to Vuosaari or buses 98 or 99V to Rastila. The Metro will operate as normal to Puotila.

Itäkeskus station

Bus 99V will depart from bay 11 next to the Metro station on the Itäväylä side of the station.

Bus 98, Itäkeskus – Rastila

We will add services on bus route 98, which runs between Rastila and Itäkeskus via Marjaniemi. Starting 5 May, bus 98 will run every 10 minutes instead of every 20 minutes on all days of the week.

In the direction of Itäkeskus, the bus will depart from bay 2 next to the Rastila Metro Station between the filling station and the Metro station. Bus 99V to Itäkeskus and night buses 90A and 90N to the city center also serve the same stop.

Bus 560, Rastila – Vuosaari – Mellunmäki – Kontula

You can also use trunk bus route 560 to travel between Rastila and Vuosaari. The bus also serves Mellunmäki Metro Station, which will be operational as usual. We are preparing for higher than normal passenger volumes on bus route 560, for instance, by striving to ensure the buses keep on schedule. 

Alternative bus links in the area

Vuosaaren alueen joukkoliikenneyhteydet kartalla tekstin mukaisesti.

Where can I find more information about alternative transport links?

The Journey Planner always provides you with up-to-date information on routes. You can search for alternative routes in advance. Additionally, you can keep up to date by following this information page at

If you usually travel by the Metro, we recommend checking your route in the Journey Planner before you travel.

We recommend subscribing to disruption alerts on your favorite routes and stops in the Journey Planner to keep up to date with any service changes. You can add your favorite routes and stops directly from the Journey Planner’s search results by opening the details of the suggested route or stop and tapping the star.

If you use the HSL app, you can also opt to receive app notifications. For more information about app notifications and adding your favorite routes in the app, see


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