The previous destination, "Kirurgi", was named after the Helsinki Surgical Hospital near the terminus. However, the hospital will be shut down in the near future, which means that the name "Kirurgi" will become less recognizable in the coming years. Although "Kirurgi" is a familiar name to many regular travelers, "Ullanlinna" is a more descriptive name, especially for those who are not that familiar with the area.
There used to be a stop called "Kirurgi" by the hospital, but it was withdrawn for over a year ago. The current terminus "Tarkk'ampujankatu" is located about 150 meters from the hospital.
We usually name individual stops after the nearest cross street. The destination, on the other hand, is usually named after the district or some other well-known place. You can see the destination, for example, on the front of the tram, on the displays inside the tram, on the timetable displays at tram stops, and in the Journey Planner.