Isosaarentie in Laajasalo closed to through traffic from 6 May, changes to bus routes

The routes of buses 84, 85N, 86K, 87, 87N and 88 and neighborhood route 802 change in Yliskylä on Monday 6 May because Isosaarentie is closed to through traffic due to construction work.

Buses 84, 85N, 86K, 87, 87N and 88 towards Kruunuvuorenranta, Jollas and Santahamina run along Laajasalontie until the Koirasaarentie junction, where they turn to Koirasaarentie. The buses will not serve the "Jussaarenkuja" and "Isosaarentie" bus stops on Isosaarentie. Instead, the buses will serve the "Koirasaarentie" (H4975) stop.

Neighborhood route 802 does not run via Isosaarentie. Instead, the bus runs via Laajasalontie to the "Kirkkosalmentie" (H4329) stop on Kirkkosalmentie, from where it will return to Laajasalontie. The bus will serve the "Koirasaarentie" (H4975) stop as well as the "Koirasaarentie" (H4978) stop on Laajasalontie.

The changes are permanent.

Karttakuva Koirasaarentie sulku