Updated 23 April 6pm
Services on tram routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and on light rail 15 resume gradually from 1.45pm on Tuesday 23 April.
The disruption was due to ice on overhead wires following freezing rain. There were also problems with switches.
Alternative transport links for light rail 15
Use the Journey Planner to find alternative transport links. Exclude trams from the suggestions in the Journey Planner's settings. We have listed alternative transport links for light rail 15 below.
Keilaniemi and Otaniemi:
Metro to Leppävaara or bus 510 to Tapiola, from where bus 113, 114 or 523 to Leppävaara. Bus 52 to Huopalahti.
Bus 113 to Leppävaara. To travel to Otaniemi and Keilaniemi, take bus 113 to Tapiola and change to the metro there.
Commuter trains A or L to Pitäjänmäki. Commuter trains A, E, L, U, X and Y to Huopalahti. Journeys to Oulunkylä via Pasila, from where commuter trains K and I. Bus 200 to Pitäjänmäki and Etelä-Haaga. Bus 553(K) to Maunula and Oulunkylä. To travel to Otaniemi and Keilaniemi, take bus 113, 114 or 523 to Tapiola and change to bus 510.
Commuter trains A or L or bus 200 to Leppävaara. To the east: commuter train I to Pasila, from where commuter train K or I to Oulunkylä. Bus 54 to Oulunkylä and Itäkeskus.
Commuter trains A, E, L, U, X and Y to Leppävaara. Bus 52 to Otaniemi, where you can change to the metro. To the east: Commuter train I to Pasila, from where commuter train K or I to Oulunkylä.
To the east: bus 66 or 67 to Käpylä station or Sörnäinen, from where you can continue by commuter train or the metro.
Bus 55(K) to Leppävaara via Ring I. Bus 23 to Huopalahti and Pitäjänmäki or bus 63 to Ilmala, from where commuter trains A and L.
To the east: commuter train K or I to Pukinmäki, from where bus 54 to Itäkeskus, or commuter train K or I to Malmi, from where bus 561 or 562 to Itäkeskus. To the west: commuter train K or P to Pasila, from where commuter trains to Huopalahti, Pitäjänmäki and Leppävaara. Bus 53 to Pohjois-Haaga and Pitäjänmäki.
To the east: bus 71 to Sörnäinen or bus 506 to Myllypuro, further connection to the metro. To the west: bus 506 to Pasila, from where commuter trains.
To the east: bus 57 to Kontula, 79 to Siilitielle or 506 to Myllypuro, interchange to the metro. To the west: bus 57 to Ilmala, from where commuter trains to Huopalahti, Pitäjänmäki and Leppävaara.
To Itäkeskus: buses 80 and 500. To the west: bus 500 to Pasila, from where commuter trains. Further connections also from Itäkeskus
To the west: bus 54 to Pukinmäki or buses 561 and 562 to Malmi, from where commuter trains K and I to Oulunkylä. Bus 54 to Pitäjänmäki. Metro to the Central Railway Station where you can change to train.