Bus routes 55, 56 and 738 to run via Hermannin rantatie from 17 April

The buses will no longer run via Kyläsaarenkatu in the direction of Kalasatama and Helsinki city center. Instead, they will resume their normal route via Hermannin rantatie. According to estimate, northbound buses will continue to run via Kyläsaarenkatu until May.

The “Haukilahdenkatu” (H3008) and “Sörnäistenkatu” (H3018) stops served by bus routes 55, 56 and 738 will be relocated from Kyläsaarenkatu to Hermannin rantatie on Wednesday 17 April. The stops are served by buses running in the direction of Kalasatama and Helsinki city center.

The bus routes were originally diverted due to the “Kalasatamasta Pasilaan” tramway project. Southbound buses will no longer be diverted but instead will run via Hermannin rantatie. According to estimate, northbound buses will continue to run via Kyläsaarenkatu until May.

More information on the “Kalasatamasta Pasilaan” tramway project: kalasatamastapasilaan.fi