Bus and tram routes running via Hämeentie and Helsinginkatu to be diverted during Kallio Block Party on Saturday 5 August

The bus and tram routes that run via Hämeentie and Helsinginkatu will be diverted on Saturday 5 August from 8am to 12am midnight due to Kallio Block Party.

Kallio Block Party will take place on Saturday 5 August. As a result, Hämeentie will be closed between Käenkuja–Teollisuuskatu and Helsinginkatu between Fleminginkatu–Hämeentie, and bus and tram routes in the area will be diverted between 8am and 12am midnight.

Trams 1, 6 and 8 and replacement route 7X will run along Läntinen Brahenkatu and Sturenkatu and the buses serving the Railway Square (Rautatientori) and Hakaniemi via Sörnäisten rantatie. You can find detailed information on the diversion routes below.

Trams 1, 6 and 8 and replacement route 7X

Trams 1, 6 and 8 will run via Läntinen Brahenkatu and Sturenkatu.

Trams 1 and 8 will not serve the following stops:

  • Helsinginkatu (H0250 and H0249)
  • Sörnäinen (M) (H0314 and H0313)
  • Lautatarhankatu (H0316 and H0315)
  • Hauhon puisto (H0318 and H0317)
  • Vallilan varikko (H0320 and H0319)

Tram 6 will run from Siltasaarenkatu to Läntinen Brahenkatu via Porthaninkatu and Kaarlenkatu.

Tram 6 will not serve the following stops:

  • Haapaniemi (H0309 and H0310)
  • Lintulahti (H0311)
  • Sörnäinen (M) (H0313 and H0312)
  • Lautatarhankatu (H0316 and H0315)
  • Hauhon puisto (H0318 and H0317)
  • Vallilan varikko (H0320 and H0319)

The trams will serve the stops named “Urheilutalo” (H0259), “Porvoonkatu” (H0261 and H0262) and “Roineentie” (H0264 and H0263) along the diversion route.

Kartta linjojen 1, 6 ja 8 poikkeusreitistä tekstin tietojen mukaisesti.


Replacement route 7X will run from Mäkelänkatu via Sturenkatu and Läntinen Brahenkatu to Helsinginkatu, after which it will turn around as usual and run via Fleminginkatu and Kaarlenkatu and then head back along the same diversion route.

Replacement route 7X will not serve the stops named “Vallilan kirjasto” (H2416 and H2417) and “Sörnäinen (M)” (H2409 and H2151). Furthermore, it is not possible to board the bus going in the direction of Pasila from the “Helsinginkatu” (H2150) stop, because the bus will use the stop when heading towards its terminus in Karhupuisto.

Kartta linjan 7X poikkeusreitistä tekstin tietojen mukaisesti.


During the special arrangement, the buses that normally run along Hämeentie will run via Sörnäisten rantatie and then resume their own routes on Hämeentie or Mäkelänkatu. In other words, routes 73, 74, 623, 711, 721 and 731 serving Hakaniemi and routes 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 600, 611, 71, 75, 77, 78/N, 717, 739, 785K, 787K and 788K serving the Railway Square (Rautatientori) will be diverted.

The stops named “Haapaniemi” (H2405, H2406 and H2407) and “Sörnäinen” (M) (H2409, H2410 and H2411) will not be served.

The buses will serve the stops named “Hanasaari” (H2514 and H2515), “Käenkuja” (H2517) and “Junatie” (H2180) along the diversion route. In addition, buses departing from Hakaniemi will serve the “Suvilahti” (H2516) stop, whereas buses departing from the Railway Square will serve the “Suvilahti” (H2518) stop that is closer to Junatie. All buses will serve the same stop named “Suvilahti” (H2519) in the direction of Helsinki city center.

Additionally, excavation work is being carried out along the diversion route, which may cause delays to services.

Map of bus routes serving Hakaniemi

Kartta Hakaniemen linjojen poikkeusreitistä tekstin tietojen mukaisesti.

Map of bus routes serving the Railway Square (Rautatientori)

Kartta Rautatientorin linjojen poikkeusreitistä tekstin tietojen mukaisesti.