Renovation of northern ticket hall of Hakaniemi metro station to be completed at the end of summer – entrances on Hakaniemi Market Square side are in use

The renovation of the northern ticket hall of the Hakaniemi metro station will be completed at the end of summer. The entrances on Toinen linja and Porthaninkatu will be opened in August–September. The southern entrances next to Ympyrätalo and on Hakaniemi Market Square are already open to passengers. The Hakaniemi Market Square entrances and the entrance opposite to the square on Siltasaarenkatu provide an accessible route to the Metro.

The renovation of the northern ticket hall of the Hakaniemi metro station will be completed at the end of summer. The entrances on Toinen linja and Porthaninkatu will be opened in August–September. The southern entrances next to Ympyrätalo and on Hakaniemi Market Square are already open to passengers. The Hakaniemi Market Square entrances and the entrance opposite to the square on Siltasaarenkatu provide an accessible route to the Metro.

The renovation brought improvements to the fire safety, energy efficiency and security and access control of the ticket hall. In addition, escalators were installed at the entrance on Toinen linja. The floor and walls in the ticket hall have been remodelled and lighting has been improved. Moreover, accessible signage has been installed in the hall. A new accessible entrance equipped with a lift was also added to the station by the entrance on Porthaninkatu. The toilet facilities have been renovated and a new accessible compartment added.

According to the original schedule, the other side of the ticket hall and its entrance on Toinen linja were to be opened in May 2023. However, the removal of old electrical installations and the related reinstallation work and water leakage at the station caused a delay in the construction work. As a result, the entrance will be opened a couple of months behind schedule.


The illustration above shows the renovated entrances in the corner of Toinen linja, Siltasaarenkatu and Porthaninkatu.

Image: Arco Architecture Company