Minor change to the route of bus 121 from 19 June

The departure stop of bus 121 in Olari will change on 19 June. The new departure stop is "Kuunkehrä". In addition, there will be a stop change for routes 121 and 121A in Kamppi.

The departure stop of bus 121 in Olari will change on Monday 19 June. The new departure stop is the "Kuunkehrä" (E3265) stop. The bus will also continue to serve the current departure stop "Kuunsilta" (E3264). 

Linjan 121 uusi päätepysäkki kartalla tekstin mukaan.

In Kamppi, buses 121 and 121A to Espoo will start serving the "Lapinrinne" stop (H1232) instead of the "Lapinrinne" (H1234) stop. After the change, buses 121, 121A, 164 and 164K will all serve the same stop in Kamppi.

Linjojen 121 ja 121A pysäkkimuutos kartalla tekstin mukaan.