Public transport will be affected by New Year’s Eve celebrations held at the Kansalaistori Square on Saturday 31 December. Mannerheimintie will be closed between Arkadiankatu and Eteläinen Hesperiankatu from 10pm to 2am. As a result, bus routes 40, 63, 200, 280, 300, 345(N), 400, 415N, 431(N), 436N, 455(A), 456N, 465 and 848 and tram routes 1H, 2, 4 and 10 will be diverted.
On New Year's Eve 31 December, a Saturday service will operate. The Metro, commuter trains and buses will have additional night services. For more information, please read our separate bulletin on public transport services over the Christmas and New Year period.
Changes to bus services to/from Elielinaukio from 10pm to 2am
The bus terminal on Elielinaukio is not in use between 10pm and 2am. Buses 200, 300, 345(N), 400, 415N, 431(N) and 436N will terminate at the Kamppi terminal. The buses will run via Runeberginkatu and Topeliuksenkatu when running to and from Kamppi.
The buses will use the following bays in the Kamppi terminal:
- bus 345(N): bay 41
- bus 300: bay 42
- buses 200, 231N and 235N: bay 44
- buses 400 and 431(N): bay 46
- bus 436N: bay 48
- bus 415N: bay 49
The following stops will not be served: “Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu” (H1273), “Kansallismuseo” (H1906), “Hesperian puisto” (H1908, H1909 and H1911), “Ooppera” (H1999), “Töölön Kisahalli” (H1913, H1914 and H1915), “Kansaneläkelaitos” (H1916 and H1917) and “Töölön tulli” (H1918, H1919 and H1921).
Bus 40 will not serve the terminal. Instead, the bus will use the “Kamppi (M)” (H1237, bay 76) stop on Fredrikinkatu as its terminus and departure stop.
Additionally, buses 63, 455(A), 456N, 465, 280 and 848 that leave from Kamppi will also run via Runeberginkatu and Topeliuksenkatu in both directions. The following stops will not be served: “Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu” (H1273), “Kansallismuseo” (H1906 and H1907), “Hesperian puisto” (H1908, H1909 and H1911), “Ooppera” (H1999), “Töölön kisahalli” (H1914 and H1915), “Kansaneläkelaitos” (H1916 and H1917) and “Töölön tulli” (H1918, H1921 and H1380).
Changes to tram services after 9.45pm
Tram routes 1H, 2, 4 and 10 will be diverted from approximately 9.45pm and they will continue to run along their diversion route for the rest of the evening. The trams will run via Runeberginkatu, Fredrikinkatu, Urho Kekkosen katu and Simonkatu.
The trams will not serve stops “Luonnontieteellinen museo” (H0201 and H0202), “Lasipalatsi” (H0101 and H0102), “Kansallismuseo” (H0103/H0104) and “Hesperian puisto” (H0105/H0106). During the diversion route, the trams will serve stops “Kamppi” (H0233 and H0234) and “Simonkatu” (H0231 and H0232).