The terminus of bus route 502, Merihaka–Meilahti–Leppävaara, will move from Merihaka to Karhupuisto on Monday 7 June due to construction set to start in the summer. The terminus of route 502 will be by Kallio Library because there is no other suitable location for the stop in Hakaniemi due to various construction sites. The bus will not serve the "Hakaniemi" and "Merihaka" bus stops in Hakaniemenranta and Merihaka. The new terminus and departure stop is called "Karhupuisto".
Due to the route change, journeys from Merihaka to, for example, Meilahti will involve interchanges. However, for example bus 55 goes from Merihaka to the stops in Hakaniemi, about 450 meters walk from the stops of route 502 outside the Kallio Municipal Office Building (Kallion virastotalo). Alternatively, you can take bus 55 from Merihaka to Junatie and change to trunk route 500 or 510 to Meilahti. Use the Journey Planner to find the best route options for you.