Trunk route 550 rerouted in Oulunkylä from 1 January 2021

Trunk route 550 will be rerouted in Oulunkylä from Friday 1 January 2021. When Norrtäljentie is opened to public transport, the diversion via Siltavoudintie will be removed. The bus will start serving the new "Harjantekijäntie" stops on Norrtäljentie.

When Norrtäljentie is opened to public transport, the diversion via Siltavoudintie will be removed. The bus will start serving the new "Harjantekijäntie" (H3164 and H3165) stops on Norrtäljentie. The bus will no longer serve the "Oulunkylän tori" (H3118 and H3119) stops on Siltavoudintie nor the "Norrtäljentie" (H3152) stop on Käskynhaltijantie (in the direction of Itäkeskus).

The change is due to the construction of a light rail line and completion of street work. Runkolinja 550 ajaa Norrtäljentietä Käskynhaltijantielle