HSL in 2020
The coronavirus had a drastic effect on public transport in the Helsinki region last year as the pandemic caused a significant decrease in ticket revenue and in the number of passengers. In addition to municipal contributions, government’s coronavirus subsidies played a major role in covering our financing gap.
Read more about our activities
Electric buses and environmental bonuses
We include environmental responsibility in the procurement of public transport services and, in the long run, we contribute to environmental work by means of transport system planning.
As a result of the tendering processes for bus services that we launched in 2020, a total of 136 new fully electric buses will enter service in the Helsinki region.
We paid over two million euros in environmental bonuses to bus operators for cutting down emissions from bus services.
2020 in figures
By clicking on the link below, you can read more about the number of journeys made on the public transport services we procure, the reliability of the services and the number of vehicles required to provide them.